Greg Gottesman
Greg Gottesman
Managing Director, Madrona Venture Group
Sector Expertise: Software, Internet

Madrona Venture Group is a leading Northwest investor in the IT sector. Founded in 1995, the firm currently manages nearly $700 million invested in 38 companies, preferring to invest early and lead financings. Notable investments include, Farecast, and Isilon Systems.
Greg Gottesman joined Madrona Venture Group in 1997 and has been a Managing Director since 1999. He currently serves on the boards of AdReady, Bocada, BuddyTV, Cheezburger, Decide, Intrepid Learning Solutions, Nimbic, ThinkFire, and WildTangent. Greg managed the firm's investments in Dantz Development Corporation (prior to its acquisition by EMC), Rendition Networks (prior to its acquisition by Opsware), (prior to its acquisition by Thomson Consumer Electronics), (prior to its acquisition by, and AdRelevance (prior to its acquisition by Media Metrix).
Before joining Madrona in 1997, Greg worked as an Associate of the Boston Consulting Group.
Greg is a board member of the Evergreen Venture Capital Association and an advisory board member of the University of Washington Center for Commercialization. He is the author of three books. Greg is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Washington Business School, where he has taught classes on Entrepreneurship and Venture Finance.